Final task board of the project; all tasks completed
One of the core concepts stressed in the EDD course was the use of SCRUM and AGILE planning. The key concepts in this development process include sprints, task boards, daily group “stand ups,” and a shared google drive.
The idea of sprints is to chunk up projects into three week long “sprints.” At the beginning of every sprint, a number of tasks are written down and assigned to a member of the development team with a specific date issued as the deadline. Each task can be separated into a category that is listed on the task board with having the status of either “not yet started,” “in progress,” or “completed.”
Frequent group stand ups are necessary at the beginning and end of a meeting. Every class period was considered a group meeting so at the beginning of class, members would explain what they have done, needed to do, and what impedes them in completing their tasks. This was repeated at the end of class and so forth.
The google drive was, by far, the most important thing the group had access to. It still has every document written that is in anyways important to the project including all test procedures, market research, decision matrices, and photos to name a few. The links in Testing Procedures go to the google drive’s test procedures.